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koopcare childcare service

Terms & Conditions

  1. Disclaimer
    Please be aware that Koopcare is not a childcare service provider. We operate as a
    third-party platform that facilitates the connection, arrangement, and tracking of koopcare childcare
    services between parents or guardians.
    While we have taken measures to create a secure and reliable platform for parents to
    connect and coordinate childcare services, it is important to note that we do not directly offer
    or oversee the actual provision of childcare services. The responsibility for the care and
    well-being of children rests solely with the parents or guardians who engage in koopcare childcare
    exchanges through our platform.
    furthermore Koopcare functions as a technology platform, providing tools and features to assist in the
    coordination process and foster a positive childcare exchange experience. However, we do
    not exercise control over the actions, conduct, or performance of individual users on our
    platform Addationally
    We strongly encourage all parents to exercise due diligence when selecting childcare
    providers and to engage in open and thorough communication to establish clear
    expectations and guidelines for childcare arrangements.
    Furthermore, we recommend maintaining open lines of communication with other parents
    and utilising our messaging system for any discussions or concerns related to childcare
    arrangements therefore
    Please understand that any childcare services arranged through our platform are solely at
    the discretion and responsibility of the participating parents or guardians. Koopcare
    disclaims any liability or responsibility for the quality, safety, or outcomes of the child care
    services provided.
  2. General Data Protection Regulation
    At Koopcare, we are committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of our users in
    compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This policy outlines how
    we collect, process, store, and protect personal data, as well as the rights and choices users
    have regarding their information within the Koopcare childcare exchange service application.
    2.1. Data Collection and Processing
    We collect and process personal data to facilitate the arrangement and coordination of childcare services among users. This personal data may include names, contact information, location details, and other necessary information provided during the registration and account creation process. Additionally, we ensure that we collect relevant data, limit it to what is necessary for the childcare exchange service, and use it solely for that purpose.
    2.2. Data Usage and Retention
  3. We use personal data to enable effective communication, scheduling, and tracking of childcare services within the Koopcare application. Additionally, we retain personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it or as required by applicable laws and regulations. Once we no longer need the data, we securely delete or anonymize it.
    2.3. Data Security
    We apply robust technical and organisational measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Furthermore, we regularly assess and update our systems and processes to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data within the Koopcare application.
    2.4. Data Sharing
  4. We do not sell or share personal data with third parties for marketing purposes. Additionally, we may share personal data with trusted service providers or partners who assist in the provision of the Koopcare childcare exchange service. However, such sharing is limited to what is necessary to fulfil their specific roles and responsibilities.
  5. Upon successfully booking childcare services through KoopCare, we will share the parent’s contact information, including phone number and email address, with the caregiver through the application. The caregiver will only utilize this information in the event of emergencies.
  6. Furthermore, we may also disclose personal data if required by law or legal process, such as to comply with a legal obligation, respond to a valid legal request, or protect the rights, property, or safety of Koopcare, its users, or the public. This includes sharing data with legal authorities such as Gardai or court officials, when necessary
    2.5. User Rights and Choices
  7. Users have the right to access, correct, and delete their personal data stored within the Koopcare application.
  8. Users can exercise their rights and make choices regarding their personal data by accessing the relevant features and settings available within the Koopcare application.
  9. Furthermore, we regularly review and update our GDPR policy to ensure ongoing compliance with data protection regulations. We will communicate any changes to this policy to users through appropriate channels.
    2.6. Cardholder Data Security Policy
  10. At Koopcare, we are committed to safeguarding the security and privacy of cardholder data provided by our users. We have implemented stringent measures to ensure the protection and secure handling of cardholder data within our platform.
  11. Additionally, we collect cardholder data, including credit card numbers, expiration dates, and CVV codes, solely for the purpose of processing payments for childcare services.
  12. We securely collect cardholder data through our application using industry-standard encryption protocols.
    2.8. Encryption and Secure Transmission
  13. We utilize strong encryption technologies to protect the transmission of cardholder data between our application and our secure payment processing infrastructure. Furthermore, we encrypt all communication related to cardholder data transmission using industry-standard protocols.
    2.9. Storage and Retention
  14. We do not store complete cardholder data within our systems or databases. Instead, we securely transmit cardholder data to our payment processing partner for immediate and secure payment processing.
  15. We adhere to strict data retention policies, ensuring that we retain cardholder data only for as long as necessary to complete the payment transaction. Once we complete the transaction, we securely discard cardholder data.
  16. 2.10. Security Measures
  17. We implement robust security measures to protect cardholder data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
  18. Authorized personnel who require cardholder data for payment processing purposes only have access to it.
  19. We regularly monitor and update our security practices to ensure the ongoing protection of cardholder data.
    2.11. Compliance with Applicable Regulations
  20. We follow industry best practices and applicable data protection regulations to ensure the security and confidentiality of cardholder data. Additionally, we continuously assess and review our processes to maintain compliance with relevant data protection standards.
    2.12. Third-Party Access
  21. We do not sell, rent, or share cardholder data with third parties for any purpose other than processing payments. We share cardholder data only with trusted payment processing partners who adhere to strict security standards and requirements. Furthermore, we contractually bind our partners to handle cardholder data securely and in compliance with applicable regulations.
    2.13. Private Message Investigation Policy
  22. At Koopcare, we strive to maintain a safe and trustworthy community for all our users. In cases where conflicts or disputes arise between users regarding the quality of care or other matters, we may need to investigate private messages exchanged within the Koopcare application. Therefore, this policy outlines our approach to private message investigations and requires the user’s consent to enable such investigations.
    2.14. Purpose of Private Message Investigations
  23. We conduct private message investigations with the primary goal of resolving conflicts, ensuring compliance with our community guidelines, and upholding the integrity of our childcare exchange program. Additionally, investigations may involve reviewing relevant private messages exchanged between users to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation and to reach a fair resolution.
    2.15. User Consent
    By using the Koopcare application and engaging in private messaging, you acknowledge and consent to our right to investigate private messages under certain circumstances, as outlined in this policy. Therefore, your consent is essential to enable us to conduct effective investigations and address conflicts appropriately.
    2.16. Investigation Process
  24. We will initiate private message investigations when users raise credible complaints or concerns regarding the quality of care, potential policy violations, or other conflicts. Subsequently, our dedicated support team will handle the investigation process in a fair and impartial manner. During an investigation, the team may access, review, and consider private messages relevant to the conflict to gather relevant information and reach a resolution

  25. 2.17. Confidentiality and Data Protection
    We prioritise the privacy and confidentiality of users’ personal information.
    Access to private messages will be limited to authorised personnel directly involved in the
    investigation process furthermore
    All information obtained during the investigation will be treated as confidential and handled in
    accordance with applicable data protection laws and our privacy policy.
    2.18. Limited Use of Private Messages
    Private messages accessed during an investigation will be used solely for the purpose of resolving the specific conflict or dispute at hand. Furthermore, we will not use private messages for any unrelated purposes or share them with third parties unless required by law or to enforce our policies.
    2.19. User Notification
  26. When an investigation involving private messages is initiated, we will notify the users involved of the investigation and its purpose, unless doing so would compromise the investigation or violate legal requirements. Additionally, by continuing to use the Koopcare application and engaging in private messaging, you acknowledge and agree to this Private Message Investigation Policy. Your consent to this policy enables us to conduct necessary investigations to maintain a safe and reliable childcare exchange community.
  27. Policies
    3.1. Cancellation Policy
  28. We understand that plans can change, and we strive to accommodate flexibility while ensuring a reliable childcare exchange experience. Please review our cancellation policy below:
  29. If you provide 48 hours or more notice for bookings, we offer a 24-hour grace period after the booking for potential cancellations. Similarly, for bookings with 24 to 48 hours notice, we provide a 12-hour grace period after the booking for potential cancellations. Additionally, for bookings with less than 24 hours notice, we offer an 8-hour grace period after the booking for potential cancellations.
  30. It is important to note that if you need to cancel outside the designated grace period for any of the above bookings, we will deduct a penalty of 3 points from your balance.
    3.2. Lateness & Early Drop-Off Policy
  31. To ensure fairness and consistency in our childcare exchange program, we have established the following policy regarding lateness and early drop-offs:
  32. Lateness and Early Drop-Offs between 30 minutes and 1 hour:
    • We will adjust the scheduled service hours by 30 minutes. This means that the service hours will be reduced by 30 minutes.
    • We will apply an additional penalty of minus 1 point to the total points allocated for that service.
  33. Lateness and Early Drop-Offs of 60 minutes or more:
    • In cases of significant lateness or early drop-offs exceeding 60 minutes, we will adjust the scheduled service hours based on the actual arrival/departure time.
    • We will apply an additional penalty of minus 2 points to the total points allocated for that service.
  34. No-Show:
    • A no-show occurs when a parent fails to show up for a scheduled service without prior notice or cancellation.
    • In cases of a no-show, we will apply a penalty of minus 3 points to the total points allocated for that service.
  35. The points reduction reflects the impact of the no-show on the exchange and serves as a reminder of the importance of commitment.
  36. We kindly request all participants to prioritize punctuality and adhere to the scheduled service hours. Additionally, please remember to cancel services in advance if you are unable to attend to avoid a no-show penalty.
  37. In the event of lateness or no-show incidents, we encourage parents to engage in open communication through our messaging system to resolve any concerns. We believe that effective communication can often lead to a satisfactory resolution.
  38. If you encounter lateness or no-show issues and are unable to reach a resolution with the other parent involved, we kindly request that you report the issue to our support team. Our dedicated support team will thoroughly investigate the case and work towards providing a fair and appropriate resolution.
  39. Additionally, we value the well-being and positive experiences of all participants in our childcare exchange program. By promptly addressing lateness and no-show issues, we aim to maintain a reliable and trustworthy community.
    3.4. Points allocation policy
    We are delighted to present our Points Allocation Policy, a key feature aimed at enriching the KoopCare community and fostering a collaborative childcare exchange platform. The central objective of this points system is to provide parents with an innovative method of exchanging childcare services, eliminating the need for monetary transactions. To further encourage active participation and ensure a seamless experience, we have outlined the following guidelines for point allocation.

    Multi-Child Bonus
    Each child involved in a childcare exchange will merit an additional point. This Multi-Child
    Bonus acknowledges the increased responsibilities associated with caring for multiple
    children and serves as a reward for parents who take on this role.
    Off-Peak Hours Bonus (8pm to 7am) Parents who engage in childcare exchanges during off-peak hours, specifically between 8pm and 7am, will receive a bonus of 3 extra points. This bonus aims to motivate parents to offer services during periods of higher demand, ensuring a balanced distribution of childcare opportunities.

    Weekend Bonus
    Participating in childcare exchanges over weekends will earn parents a bonus of 2 extra
    points. This Weekend Bonus acknowledges the commitment of parents who contribute their time during weekends, aligning with the needs of many families.

    Special Needs Bonus
    Parents who engage in childcare exchanges for children with special needs will receive a
    bonus of 2 extra points. This bonus acknowledges the additional care and attention required for these situations, reflecting the supportive nature of the community.

    Childcare at the Requester’s Home
    Parents who facilitate the requester’s home for childcare exchanges will be granted a bonus of 2 extra points. This bonus recognizes the effort and convenience of providing childcare in the requester’s home, enhancing the flexibility of the platform.
    In cases not covered by the mentioned bonuses, the usual points allocation remains: 1 hour of childcare equals 1 point.
    If users do not renew their plans, the points they have accumulated will be frozen
    and unavailable for use. However, these points can be reactivated as soon as the user either renews their existing plan or opts for a different subscription plan.
    The allocation of these bonus points is designed to foster engagement and collaboration
    within the KoopCare community. Through these childcare exchanges, parents create a
    network of support that contributes to the well-being of families.
    Please note that the awarding of bonus points adheres to the terms and conditions outlined in our policies. We are dedicated to ensuring transparency and fairness in the point allocation process.
    3.5. Guidelines for Adjusting Service Hours
  40. We understand that sometimes adjustments to service hours are necessary. To provide flexibility for our users, we have established the following guidelines for making adjustments within a 12-hour window after the service has taken place:
  41. Initiate a Request: If you need to amend the total service hours, the childminder should initiate a request to modify the hours. This can be done through our platform after the service completion. Furthermore, the receiving parent will have the opportunity to review the requested changes before confirming.
  42. Confirmation Process: Once the request is submitted, it will be sent to the other parent for confirmation. The receiving parent will have the opportunity to review the requested changes before confirming.
  43. Automatic Adjustment: Upon confirmation from both parents, the points allocation will be automatically adjusted based on the requested changes. The system will update the points accordingly, reflecting the modified service hours. We encourage open communication and collaboration between parents to ensure accurate adjustments to service hours. These guidelines are designed to maintain fairness and transparency within our childcare exchange program. Additionally, we highly encourage both parents to utilize this feature whenever applicable, as it ensures a quicker resolution and accurate points allocation for your service exchange.
    3.6. Quality of care
  44. This policy has been implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of all children involved in our childcare exchange program. Additionally, we prioritize the quality of care and strive to maintain high standards throughout our community.
  45. As part of our commitment to providing a safe environment, we conduct thorough investigations into any reported user accounts. These investigations enable us to identify and address concerns related to the quality of care provided. Moreover, in some cases, these investigations may result in issuing warnings to users, while more serious instances may lead to blocking user accounts. Our primary goal is to address and rectify any issues raised by our community members. By conducting these investigations, we gain a better understanding of the situation and can take appropriate action to maintain a high level of care within our program. We appreciate your cooperation in upholding our Child Care Quality of Care Policy.

    3.7. Community Guidelines and Policies
    At Koopcare, we strive to create a supportive and respectful community for parents to
    connect, exchange childcare services, and foster meaningful relationships. To ensure a
    positive experience for all users, we have established the following community guidelines
    and policies:

    Respect and Inclusivity
    Treat every member of the Koopcare community with respect, kindness, and inclusivity. Avoid engaging in any form of discrimination, harassment, or offensive language or behavior. Additionally, embrace and celebrate the diversity of our community. Effective Communication and Collaboration Communicate clearly and courteously with fellow members. Foster a collaborative environment by offering help and support to other parents. Use appropriate language and maintain a respectful tone in all interactions. Privacy and Confidentiality Respect the privacy and confidentiality of all information shared within the app. Do not disclose personal details or sensitive information about other members without their explicit consent.
    Reliable and Responsible Participation
    Honour your commitments for childcare arrangements and be punctual Addationally,
    In case of unforeseen circumstances, promptly communicate and find suitable alternatives or replacements.
    Show reliability and consideration for other parents who depend on the childcare exchanges.
    Appropriate Content
    Share content that is relevant, appropriate, and respectful within the community furthermore,
    Refrain from posting offensive, misleading, or inappropriate content.
    Respect copyright and intellectual property rights when sharing content.
    Conflict Resolution
    Handle conflicts or disagreements in a constructive and respectful manner Addationally,
    Strive to resolve issues through open and honest communication.
    If unable to reach a resolution, reach out to our support team for assistance.
    Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding childcare and community
    Report any illegal activities or violations observed within the app.
    3.8. Reviews
  46. Following the completion of each successful childcare service, the childcare receiver will have the chance to provide ratings and reviews regarding the service provided by the childcare provider. Moreover, Koopcare will not actively monitor these reviews unless users report them. Users retain the option to edit their initial reviews if subsequent childcare services are successfully completed with the same parties involved.
  47. Users agree to submit truthful, fair, and accurate reviews based on their genuine experiences with the childcare service. Discriminatory, defamatory, or otherwise inappropriate content is strictly prohibited. Additionally, users understand and acknowledge that any reviews they submit become the property of Koopcare and may be used for promotional or marketing purposes.
  48. Furthermore, users agree not to engage in activities aimed at manipulating or artificially inflating review ratings, including creating fake accounts or incentivizing positive reviews. Koopcare reserves the right to moderate reviews and remove any content deemed inappropriate, fraudulent, or in violation of these terms and conditions without prior notice.
  49. Users may have the option to share their reviews on third-party platforms or social media channels. By doing so, users agree to abide by the terms and conditions of those platforms. Additionally, Koopcare may retain reviews indefinitely, even after the termination of a user’s account, for record-keeping and dispute resolution purposes.
  50. Garda Vetting
  51. We are thrilled to share that Koopcare is currently in the process of registering as a Garda vetting organisation. Once we complete this registration, we will be able to assist all Koopcare users in undergoing the Garda vetting process. While Garda vetting is not mandatory for our users, we strongly encourage everyone to consider taking advantage of this opportunity. Garda vetting plays a crucial role in enhancing trust and safety within our community, making Koopcare a more secure and reliable platform for everyone.
  52. Furthermore, Garda vetting is an essential procedure in Ireland for individuals working or volunteering with children and vulnerable adults, ensuring their suitability for such roles. By becoming Garda vetted, you not only contribute to the safety and integrity of the community but also enhance your credibility within the Koopcare network. This vetting process reflects your commitment to maintaining a safe and trustworthy environment.
  53. For those interested in Garda vetting verification on Koopcare, please rest assured that you can still submit your Garda vetting documents through the app if you already have them. However, if you need to process a new Garda vetting, we will be able to assist you once our registration is confirmed. Simply reach out to us at, and our team will provide you with all the necessary information and guide you through the process. We aim to make the procedure as smooth and straightforward as possible for our users.
  54. Additionally, upon successful completion of the Garda vetting process, users will receive a special badge on their Koopcare profile. This badge symbolizes trust and reliability, showcasing your dedication to maintaining high standards of safety and integrity. It serves as a reassurance to other users that you are a verified and trustworthy member of the Koopcare community.
  55. Through this initiative, we aim to foster a more secure and trusted environment for all Koopcare users. Your participation in the Garda vetting process is a significant step forward in building a safer and more connected community. We appreciate your support in this endeavor and are committed to assisting you every step of the way.
  56. Subscriptions and renewals
  57. In conclusion Our platform and services are exclusively intended for individuals residing in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and are inaccessible to those outside these jurisdictions. By registering and creating an account on our platform, you confirm that you are located in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland and are at least 18 years of age. Furthermore, you agree not to create multiple accounts with us.
  58. Upon registration and creation of an account on our platform, and upon acceptance of the terms and conditions by ticking the respective box, you acknowledge becoming a member and forming a contract with us. Unless either party provides notice to terminate your membership or subscription at the next renewal date, or we terminate it due to a breach of policy, you shall remain responsible for the subscription fee due for any automatic renewals at the current rate.
  59. If you opt for the basic or premium plans, your membership subscription will be for a minimum duration of one month. Your subscription will automatically renew for the same duration unless either party gives the other at least 7 days notice prior to the next renewal date expressing the intent not to continue the subscription/membership, or the contract between us is terminated in accordance with these conditions. Additionally, until either party has provided a notice of termination, not less than 7 days prior to the next renewal date, to cancel your subscription/membership, and/or the contract between us is terminated in accordance with these Conditions, you will be responsible for the Membership Fee due for any automatic renewals at the prevailing rate. You are required to cancel subscriptions online through your account or via our contact us page.
  60. We reserve the sole discretion concerning cancellation and refunds, and we will not provide refunds if you have breached these Conditions. Additionally, we notify you that you have a seven-working-day period, commencing from the time of your initial purchase on the application, to request a full refund. However, this right is forfeited upon accessing and/or utilizing the purchased service. This refund provision applies solely to your initial payment and not to subsequent auto-renewed subscriptions.
  61. Furthermore, when we grant access to our platform, we retain the right to withdraw or modify the services offered without prior notice. Additionally, we shall not be held liable if our site becomes unavailable for any reason or duration. Moreover, we may occasionally limit access to certain sections or the entirety of our site to registered users.

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